We are a group of volunteers dedicated to the promotion of walking in the Elham Valley in the heart of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Through our affiliation with the ‘Walkers are Welcome’ network we also promote the Valley as a destination for walkers who live outside the area.

We run regular local walks throughout the year, a monthly Sunday and week day walk principally within the beautiful Elham Valley.

We aim to:

  • Enhance and promote the reputation of our valley, at both local and national level, as a centre of excellence for those who enjoy walking.
  • Help maintain and support local rural businesses by attracting visitors to our valley.
  • Encourage a love of walking for those seeking to gain and maintain good health.
  • Appeal to a whole spectrum of participants across the age ranges.
  • Provide an insight into the history and heritage of this very special corner of the North Downs Area of outstanding Natural Beauty.
  • Increase knowledge and awareness of environmental and landscape features.
  • Bring all interested groups together to share our love of walking and the countryside.